DevLog 8: 10PRINT

It’s hard to say if I have a favorite port, but I suppose I liked the Perl/Javascript port the most simply because it’s done in a language that I understand a little bit. Additionally, it’s the only port where the lines are able to match up perfectly to create an actual maze look. Hence, it makes this port an improvement over the original because (according to my understanding of the text) not even the original was able to look as good. An “esolang” are new programming languages that people make up to test the limits of programming language design and/or to add their own aesthetic properties to programming languages. These languages are made because people want to create a language that functions on a fundamentally different level from all of the other languages out there or because people just want to have fun and create a wacky language. The esolang that I found the funniest was probably “LOLCODE” because it’s actually a pretty standard programming language (at its core), but it’s just the way you write commands that makes it so interesting/lively/funny. Something else that caught my attention was “Whitespace” because it is a language that only uses “space,” “tab,” and “return.” The fact that it does not use any real characters is truly baffling to me and I’d love to see how something like this could actually work. “Grass” seemed like an aesthetically pleasing language because the goal of this esolang is to make the code look like wide patches of grass. I had never thought of making my code itself look like an image, but this language is trying to do just that! The last esolang that caught my eye was “.Gertrude” because I actually know what Gertrude Stein’s work looks like (it’s basically just a bunch of gibberish) and I’m very curious about what the code for this language would look like because it would make no sense from a literal standpoint.

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