DevLog 4: GameJam

I believe one of the most important steps is the first one. Making a game is like moving a boulder down a hill, and the hardest part of moving a boulder is getting it to start moving. I think the idea of just running automatically with whatever concept you have alleviates the initial block of making a game. Another important step in this process is step 5: just playing this game a lot and believing the rest of the game is already fleshed out. This not only makes you feel somewhat satisfied with what you have already, but it also starts planning out everything else you need to do to finish your game. Lastly, I think step 7 is very interesting. I think that as a game designer, you should never be too fixated on one thing. Game designers should be flexible and be willing to adapt to new circumstances, making whatever changes they need to make whenever they feel the need it is necessary. I think step 7 helps speed up the process of developing a game and also forces the developer to push out new creative possibilities that they would not have originally thought of before. It can lead a game to some very unique and interesting twists! 

My midterm project will depict my experiences as a commuter student who loves dancing on the subway.

My game world will not be very long. In fact, it will likely just take place in two subway stations and one subway cart (I am leaving it open though because I may expand on it). In the game, you will be riding the subway and “dancing” around while trying your best to not embarrass yourself in front of strangers. I have no doubt that I will be able to build the subway stations and subway carts because they won’t be gigantic. What I do wonder if I will be able to build are the different dance “poses” that the player will do and the many many NPCs that you will have to avoid dancing foolishly in front of. 

Some difficulties I foresee are really just how I will go along with adapting this “dancing” mechanic. I may end up making it a fetch quest where you need to reach random locations in the subway cart and dance there. I may also do something where I need to fill up a meter by dancing when NPCs aren’t looking. I could also possibly grade the player on the variation of dance moves they decide to do. There are so many ways I can do this “dance” thing, and I just need to learn how to make something that represents dancing but is also possible for me to do. Learning to animate may also be nice!

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